The members of the CPHT seek to disseminate high-impact research that can provide education and information for those seeking to advance public health through program implementation, advocacy, and evaluation. Publications by the CPHT affiliates seek to advance the mission of the center by providing innovative technology- and community-based research. Below, find a list of the most current articles published by our affiliate members.

Mance E. Buttram, PhD
Stigma Related to the Non-Medical Use and Diversion of Prescription Stimulant Drugs: Should We Care
More publications: Mance E. Buttram – Google Scholar

Bart Hammig, PhD
Bystander intervention at the gym: A mixed methods application of the reasoned action approach
More publications: Bart Hammig – Google Scholar
Robert E. Davis, PhD
An International Review of Skin Conditions in Incarcerated Persons
More publications: Robert E. Davis – Google Scholar